Company registered four domain names yesterday that state that Dr. Seuss was racist.
A company registered four interesting domain names yesterday:,,, and
The domain names were registered using brand protection registrar MarkMonitor. The whois records are protected by MarkMonitor’s whois privacy.
There’s some controversy around Dr. Suess being racist. This stems, in part, from the inclusion of stereotypical imagery that was commonplace when he wrote and illustrated his books. His views seemed to change over time.
The current publisher for Dr. Seuss books, Penguin Random House, uses CSC as its domain name registrar. However, Dr. Seuss Enterprises, LP uses MarkMonitor.
In fact, it registered the domain name yesterday at MarkMonitor. Dr. Seuss Horse Museum is a posthumous Dr. Seuss book. So my money is on these being defensive registrations.
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Author: Andrew Allemann