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More companies try to trademark top level domains

It won’t work.

The word Trademarks on a dark blue green background with a stylized R symbol

The U.S. Trademark and Protection Office won’t issue trademarks for top level domains, but that doesn’t keep people from trying.

For example, Unstoppable Domains has tried and failed to register marks for .blockchain, .crypto and .coin. Trademark protection for top level domains is at the center of a lawsuit the company filed.

Here are a few recent examples, all with connections to blockchain domains.

DeID PTE LTd filed applications for .bit on October 21. The company is behind what it calls a “Cross-chain Web3 identities for you and your community“. The company raised $13 million this summer.

Habib Ferdous, a software developer in New York who runs a company called Coreibytes Codetech Inc., filed an application for .meta on October 22. It’s an intent-to-use application covering many services — including domain name registrar and registration services. The services also mention web3 and blockchain.

Hailiang Xing filed an application for .twit on October 28. The applicant says the trademark is already in use and submitted a document that just shows the word .twit with a small arrow. The specimen description is merely, “Blockchain is already available”.

Post link: More companies try to trademark top level domains

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Author: Andrew Allemann

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